Help Establish the FORWARD Center

Foundation for First Responder Wellness and Resiliency

FORWARD Together:
Supporting First Responders'
Mental Health

The urgent need for mental health support for first responders cannot be overstated. These brave men and women dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities, often experiencing trauma and stress on a daily basis. However, the existing resources and support systems are insufficient, leaving actively serving and retired first responders struggling and in desperate need of help.

We are here to meet this urgent and unmet need by creating a private outpatient wellness center. The FORWARD center will provide confidential access to clinical treatment, educational resources, and research for first responders in need.

We are building the nation’s first FORWARD Center in Virginia, a private holistic wellness center for active and retired first responders.

TOGETHER we will:

Move FORWARD in healing the trauma that is negatively impacting the lives of many who serve and protect our communities.

With our educational partners, FORWARD opportunities to teach first responders how to effectively cope with stress before it becomes disabling.

Conduct FORWARD-focused research to ensure clinical treatment and educational resources are making a positive difference in the lives of our first responders, using evidence-based practices whenever possible.


More than 1 in

first responders are suffering from post-traumatic stress (National Institute of Mental Health).

First responders contemplate suicide nearly

more than the typical American adult (SAMHSA, 2018).
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More than

of first responders have experienced symptoms related to mental health conditions (SAMHSA, 2018; Wright et al., 2021).
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Depression and PTSD are up to

more common in first responders (Heyman, et al., 2018)
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Recent findings in the National Wellness Survey can be viewed in more detail HERE.

Police officers and firefighters are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty (Ruderman Family Foundation, 2022)


How We Will Make a Difference:

Provide a private, and anonymous space for first responders to seek help without fear or stigma.

Provide confidential access to culturally competent clinical treatment and care to address the unique needs of the first responder community.

Provide access to health and wellness education to support mental, physical and overall well-being such as mindfulness, spiritual counseling, and nutrition.

Offer financial planning and counseling to assist first responders and their families in managing their finances.

Conduct research to develop best practices and evidence-based strategies to effectively serve first responders.

Work with public safety executives and agencies to develop in-house resources, programs, and policies.

Why donate?

We rely on contributions from supporters like you so we can provide: